Published on: 09 May 2019 in Career Development

Directors UK members progress on ITV Multi-Camera Directing Workshop

Reading time: 1 minutes and 52 seconds

<i>The participants of this year’s multi-camera workshop.</i>
<i>The participants of this year’s multi-camera workshop.</i>

Three directors, two of them members of Directors UK, have been chosen to progress to the next stage of the ITV Multi-Camera Directing Workshop, following a six-day course at the Coronation Street studios. 

The workshop saw seven directors learn about shooting multi-camera, and put their skills to use directing training scenes with professional actors and a full crew. Now, Directors UK members Emma Lindley and Alex Browning — joined by Chantelle Kayll — have been given the opportunity to direct scenes for transmission under the supervision of established Coronation Street directors. 

Following her time on the course, Emma Lindley said: “The multi-camera workshop was brilliant because it gave us the chance to direct three different scenes on the Coronation Street sets in professional conditions under the talented and generous Neil Alderton and Alan Grint. My first taste of directing from the gallery with a vision mixer was a brilliant experience! I was offered an episode of Coronation Street to direct straight afterwards and, a month later, have already started prep alongside my new directing mentor, Gill Wilkinson.

Alex Browning added: “The multi-camera workshop surpassed my expectations. Neil Alderton and Alan Grint’s training and encouragement made it one of the best TV experiences I’ve had so far.” 

Meanwhile, Directors UK Skills and Career Development Manager Andrea Corbett said “we believe that hands-on career development opportunities are vital for the future of the industry…exposing directors to the very best training with the very best multi-camera continuing drama crews offers the opportunity of real learning, and we look forward to watching the careers of these directors flourish as a direct result.”

Congratulations from Directors UK to Emma, Alex and Chantelle, and to all who took part in this year’s workshop. 

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