Published on: 28 August 2018 in

Could you be our new Board Rep for Scotland?

Reading time: 4 minutes and 20 seconds

Nominations are now open for a new Nation and Regions representative for Scotland. 

Following the resignation of Karen Kelly, Directors UK will be holding an election for a new Board member to represent members living and working in Scotland.

Directors UK represents directors from all of the UK’s Nations and Regions, and our Board has direct representation from those areas so as to fully reflect the range of circumstances and experiences of our membership.

The Directors UK Board therefore needs a new representative working with members in Scotland to ensure we can communicate directly with you and respond to the issues, concerns and opportunities related to your area.

Find out how to stand as Nations and Regions Representative for Scotland below. The deadline for nominations is Wednesday 19 September. 

Scotland has its own unique set of challenges and opportunities for directors across all genres, and Directors UK wants to ensure we’re able to exercise as much influence as possible in Scotland on behalf of our members – which is why we need you to stand.

Working directly with the Nations and Regions requires us to look at new ways of working, and to make sure that we take into account the practicalities for those members who are interested in representing Scotland. Directors UK would provide you with practical and/or financial support to help you perform this role, and, whenever possible, flexible working will be put in place to enable you to fully contribute to the work of the Board without interfering with your own existing work commitments.

You can read a description of the Board member’s role and responsibilities here. 

We will discuss with each individual representative the range of support options available in order to find the most appropriate way of working for you; whether it be online meetings, conference calling/Skype, travel, accommodation or a per diem allowance for attendance on Directors UK business.

What’s going on in Scotland matters — and what matters to our members, matters to Directors UK.

Help us to represent you better. Stand as Nations and Regions Representative for Scotland.

How to stand

Any member living or regularly working in Scotland may stand for the Scotland Representative seat on the Board. Directors UK members wishing to stand for election must also be nominated by two members of Directors UK.

Nominees must apply by filling out the application form below and sending it to [email protected].

Download the application form for Word

Download the application form as a PDF

Alternatively, you can email [email protected]. providing the following details:

  • Your full name and email address
  • The full names and email addresses of both your nominators
  • Your top three priorities for Scotland (maximum 12 words each)
  • A personal statement describing why you are applying and why you would be a good fit for the role (maximum 200 words)
  • A biography telling us about yourself and your work as a director (maximum 200 words)

The deadline for nominations is noon, 19 September 2018. 

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