Published on: 08 December 2011 in Industry

Read the Directors UK response to the Communications Review

Reading time: 53 seconds

The Department for Culture, Media and Sport has published the responses to its Communications Review, which includes a submission by Directors UK.

In May this year the DCMS asked for submissions to a new Communications Review it was undertaking. In an open letter, the Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt described the Review as a "wide-ranging review of the regulatory regime for the UK communications sector, to ensure the regulatory framework in place is fit for the digital age."

Having now considered the numerous responses, the DCMS has reported "a recurring request in the responses was for Government to recognise where the regulatory framework is currently working well, and to ensure that unnecessary changes are not made where there are no identifiable benefits for industry or consumers."

You can read the Directors UK response to the Communications Review by clicking below. The Communications Review Green Paper is to be published early next year.

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