Published on: 25 August 2021 in Industry

Coalition for Change unveils new Freelance Charter, backed by Directors UK

Reading time: 1 minutes and 40 seconds

Today the Coalition for Change unveiled its Freelance Charter, a ground-breaking document backed by Directors UK along with other industry organisations, stakeholders and broadcasters. 

Announced at a panel at this week's Edinburgh TV Festival, the charter marks the first time that the world of film and TV has come together to formally acknowledge the state of working conditions in the sector, and to establish a baseline of best practice to be followed across all quarters. 

Areas covered by the charter include recruitment and development, workplace culture, bullying, harassment, commissioner conduct, and training opportunities. The guidance for these areas was created with input from across the industry, and Directors UK has drawn upon our members’ own experience and insight to feed into their development.

The Charter is intended to be adapted and expanded over time, and Directors UK will continue to make sure that directors have a voice in the conversation. 

Responding to the launch of the Charter, Directors UK CEO Andy Harrower said: “Drawing on our members’ insight and experience, we have fed into the development of the Freelance Charter. This is a ground-breaking document as it establishes, for the first time, a common benchmark by which to challenge poor behaviour and discrimination against freelancers working in TV.  

The shared desire to address these issues must be met with action. With collaboration from across the industry, we must all take whatever steps are necessary to ensure the good practices set out in the Charter become the standard way of working.”  

You can read an introduction to the Freelance Charter here. 

You can read the full Charter here.

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