Published on: 31 January 2013 in Industry

Documentary-makers defend Leveson proposals in letter to The Times

Reading time: 1 minutes and 2 seconds

A group of award-winning documentary makers and broadcasters has written to the Times to criticise the argument put forward by several newspaper editors that recommendations made by Lord Leveson would undermine free speech.

The letter was organised by fomer Directors UK Board member Peter Kosminsky (pictured) and signed by current Board member Krish Majumdar, along with Michael Apted, Rory Bremner, Nick Broomfield, Simon Chinn, Greg Dyke, Angus Macqueen, Kevin Marsh, John Willis and Brian Woods.

The group say in the letter:

“We are broadcasters with long experience of working within a far tighter regulatory system – underpinned by legislation – than Leveson envisages for the print media. While we make no comment on the detail of the Leveson plan, we would point out that our industry has a proud record of independent, challenging journalism — calling the rich and powerful to account without fear or favour.”

The letter adds that to suggest that regulation enshrined in law results in political interference “is wrong and insulting to us as fellow journalists”.

To read the letter, click here (you must be a Times subscriber to do so):

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