Published on: 03 October 2012 in Industry

BFI to invest almost £500 million over next five years

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The BFI today announced plans to invest almost £500 million in UK film between 2012 – 2017 in a bid to help drive industry growth, build audiences and grow a vibrant, lasting film culture.

“Film Forever: Supporting UK Film 2012-2017” outlines the BFI’s three key strategic priorities, funded by a combination of Grant in Aid, the BFI’s earned income and National Lottery funding, as:

Education and audiences – with an annual investment of £44.2m British film and filmmaking with an investment of £32.3m per year Film heritage with an investment of £9.9m per year

Having identified partnership and collaboration as “core principles which sit at the heart of our plan”, the BFI previously consulted with a number of industry organisations before the publication of Film Forever, and Directors UK is pleased to have been able to contribute to this process.

The BFI has committed to spend more money on the production and development of UK films, rising annually to £24 million by 2017, with greater opportunities available for filmmakers working in documentary and animation, and a greater focus on development. A less London-centric approach was also promised by the institute’s Chair Greg Dyke.

Amongst other notable goals was the plan to digitise 10,000 films – the BFI 10K – over the next five years to bring the archives to new audiences. The public would be given the chance to vote on which films would be made available on what will become the BFIPlayer.

BFI CEO, Amanda Nevill said:

Film Forever is founded on a renewed commitment to the future – the future generation of audiences, the future generation of filmmakers and the opportunities presented by digital technologies. We are investing where we think we can most make a difference, where we see potential for creative excellence and where we can be the supportive catalyst for change, innovation, business growth and jobs.

To read the document, click here.

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