
Lindsey Dryden (pronouns She/Her) is an award-winning Director, Producer and Executive Producer, Fellow of Sundance DFP and BFI Flare and founding member of Queer Producers Collective. Her work has been released theatrically, broadcast on Netflix, PBS, and BBC, featured in Vogue and Elle, exhibited at Tate, won awards worldwide, and screened at 50+ festivals incl. Sundance, SXSW, Tribeca, HotDocs, True/False, Sheffield Doc/Fest and Art Of The Real. She produced Academy Award shortlisted Unrest (Sundance, 2017), Trans In America (ACLU/them, 2018), co-produced Unrest VR (Winner, Best Virtual Reality Sheffield Doc/Fest 2017), and directed acclaimed films including feature doc Lost and Sound (SXSW, 2012) and short Jackie Kay: One Person Two Names (Tate Britain, 2017). 

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Lost and Sound Feature documentary View
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1 in 7 of us will experience some kind of hearing loss in our lifetime. So what would happen to the music you love, if your ability to hear it was altered? Lost and Sound (SXSW, 2012) is a moving creative documentary -- featuring observational filming, unique sound design and animation -- that follows music critic Nick Coleman, dancer Emily Thornton and pianist Holly Loach over 2 years, as they try to re-discover music after hearing loss. "Humour, intimacy and pure emotional joy... An incredibly touching insight." - "A fascinating documentary." - Austin Chronicle "A unique insight into the human condition... likely to stay with you long after the credits have rolled." - DocGeeks "Reactions to the film were warm, the audience sharing in something intimate and unexplainable about the human spirit." - Huffington Post 2012
Jackie Kay: One Person, Two Names Short film View
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Commissioned by Tate for 2017's groundbreaking Queer British Art exhibition, this intimate short directed by Lindsey Dryden explores what identity means today to Jackie Kay, renowned writer and Scots Makar (poet laureate). The film journeys with Jackie through her experiences as a black, lesbian, Scottish woman, and reveals how storytelling and imagination can offer us a way to live with - and grow to love - our many identities. 2017
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