Film director and creative, Ben Hume-Paton has an impressive portfolio of stunning films, experiential projects, and creative content to his credit. Working with brands such as Burberry & Emaar, Honda & Jaguar Landrover, from Clairol to Veet, the list is diverse as it is fulfilling.
A winner of the Fuji Film Scholarship, Hume-Paton started out directing music videos. Setting up his own production company SOMA. His memorable and provocative music promos soon lead him into the realm of television commercials, he received immediate acclaim for his inspired direction on campaigns for Nike & Bioré.
Ben has also been active in TV production, most notably ‘Top Gear’, ‘TT Legends’ for ITV, ‘Jetstream’ for Discovery voiced by the current Sherlock; Benedict Cumberbatch whilst having fun directing Craig Charles and the gang on the Gadget Show. Ben’s most recent documentary, ‘The Line’ was broadcast on Discovery Worldwide with 208 million views and 445 million impressions.
Having shot extensively across the Europe, America and the Middle East, Ben has a passion for architecture. When asked what are his favourite subjects? ‘Fashion Cars and Beauty’ often comes to mind, but he hates to be pigeonholed, going against type by directing and producing a one woman play called ‘Molly’ at the Edinburgh Fringe which is going into pilot soon.