Published on: 20 June 2019 in

Foreign Distribution — By The Numbers

Reading time: 2 minutes and 37 seconds

If you’re eligible for distribution, you’ll be familiar with that moment when your bank account gets a boost and your distribution summary comes through the post.

But a lot has to happen before your money can reach you, and that process produces some fascinating stats. No, really! Take a look at the numbers behind our latest foreign distribution below.


Yep, that’s the total sum paid out to directors in our latest foreign distribution — making it one of the largest ever.


That money was distributed to 2583 Directors UK members – that’s enough to completely fill two and a half central line tube trains (we don’t plan to put this to the test, however).


We had money for your work coming in from sixteen different sister societies, with the largest contribution coming from Bild-Kunst in Germany. Want to know more about our sister societies? Find out here.


In fact, the top five highest-contributing sister societies were Bild-Kunst (Germany), Suissimage (Switzerland), Copydan (Denmark), SIAE (Italy) and ZAPA (Poland). A hearty danke schön, merci vilmal, mange tak, grazie mille and ziekuje ci bardzo to them all!


There were four main ways that your work was used abroad: Cable, Online, Television Broadcast and Private Copying (which is basically a levy on recording films and TV programmes on to blank DVDs, hard drives, phones, tablets, and so on).


Believe it or not, that is how long — in minutes — it would take you to watch our entire distribution back to back. That’s twelve-and-a half years. You could start watching the transmissions included in our distribution now, and still be watching when you start your Xmas shopping in 2031. Please, don’t try this at home.


We crunched a whopping 161,036 lines of data to allocate payment to our members. That’s more lines of data than the city of Norwich has people. Speaking of numbers of people…


This foreign distribution was worked on full-time by 12 dedicated distribution staff, who are already getting to work on a supplementary distribution and tracking down more directors who are entitled to payments.

You can find out more about how our distribution works here.

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