Published on: 20 February 2012 in

Nigel Cole blogs for Directors UK

Reading time: 1 minutes and 4 seconds

This week sees the start of a new feature on the Directors UK website: the director's guest blog. Members will be creating daily blogposts for the site on a regular basis, from news on their current projects to films that inspired them, articles of interest to stills from their latest production, and anything in between.

We thought it would be a great idea if we could get the ball rolling with a director whose work is renowned and enjoyed by the British public, so we are thrilled that Nigel Cole (Calendar Girls, Made in Dagenham) has agreed to participate. You can read his daily updates right here on the Directors UK website, by clicking on the Blogs tab on the Homepage. His first instalment, on his two new projects The Wedding Video and All in Good Time, can be found here.

In the future we will host guest blogs from directors from a range of genres and experience, so please keep checking the site for updates. And if there's anyone you would like to hear from in particular, why not let us know below, and we'll see what we can do!

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