Published on: 02 March 2012 in

Members react to reduced subscription rate for over-65s

Reading time: 1 minutes and 10 seconds

As you may have read, Directors UK recently reduced their subscription rates for directors over the age of 65 by half.

This means that directors over 65 or who turn 65 in the subscription bracket can now join for as little as £60+VAT, rather than £120+VAT as it was previously. The same 50% discount is also available for those individuals representing the Estate of a deceased director.

We have also refunded those members over 65 who paid the previous price before this new rate was introduced. Here are some of the comments we received back from those we refunded:

"I am absolutely delighted to see that members such as me – being well over 60 and retired – can now join at the reduced full membership fee of £60 + VAT. which I am more than happy to do."

"Apart from the bus pass this is the only other benefit of being a wrinkly that I've come across."

"Excellent news."

"Many thanks for that. What a nice surprise! Occasionally there is an advantage in being of "advanced years.""

If you would like to find out more about this reduced rate, or about joining Directors UK in general, please click here.

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