Published on: 25 May 2021 in Directors UK

Foreign Distribution 2021: By the Numbers

Reading time: 2 minutes and 48 seconds

It’s that time of year again, the latest Directors UK foreign distribution has now been completed, and eligible members will now be receiving their invoices and a welcome boost to their bank account. 

But behind these Springtime funds are some fascinating (and some other completely useless) facts and figures. Check out our foreign distribution by the numbers below.


That’s the total sum of the foreign distribution paid out to members (okay, actually we paid out slightly more than that, but we’ll kick things off with a nice round number). That’s enough to buy you a whopping 15,400,000 Freddo chocolate bars.

This also means we’ve paid out more so far this financial year than we did in the whole of the 2012-2013 financial year – a great example of the work Directors UK does to increase foreign collections and distributions to members. 


This money was distributed to around 2670 Directors UK members – that’s enough to fill the Prince Charles Cinema six-and-a-half times over and still have people queuing out the front. Pre-social distancing, of course…


In this distribution, we paid out money for your work that came in from twenty different sister societies – up four from this time last year. Want to know more about our sister societies? Find out here.


In fact, the top five highest-contributing sister societies were Suissimage (Switzerland); SIAE (Italy); Vevam (Netherlands); VG-Bildkunst (Germany); Zapa (Poland). Strangely, this is not far off their rankings in terms of Eurovision 2021 scores, which are as follows: Italy (524), Switzerland (432), Holland (11), Germany (3), Poland (Didn’t Qualify). 

A hearty merci vilmal, grazie mille, bedankt, danke schön and ziekuje ci bardzo to them all!


That, believe it or not, is the total amount of time it would take to watch our entire foreign distribution back to back. That’s 7,756 days, or 21 years and three months. So, you could start watching it now, and still be going by Autumn 2042. That’s long enough to grow some species of pine tree, or watch the entire extended Lord of the Rings trilogy 16,281 times – whatever floats your boat. 


Allergic to spreadsheets? Look away now. This distribution saw our team crunch over 284,000 lines of data – that’s more lines of data than Southampton has people. Excel never knew what hit it. 


This foreign distribution was worked on full-time by 13 dedicated distribution staff. Making sure payments reach our members in a timely fashion is their priority – and they’re already getting to work on a new supplementary distribution and tracking down directors who are entitled to payments but have yet to join Directors UK. 

Find out more about our distributions. 

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