Published on: 29 March 2016 in

Directors UK Scotland meeting this evening

Reading time: 2 minutes and 40 seconds

We’re pleased to announce Karen Kelly as the newly elected rep for Scotland, serving the needs for directors living and working in the region.

This evening, she will be hosting an informal meet-up for Scottish directors at the Grosvenor Cafe in Glasgow, and as a member we urge you to meet with Karen and share any issues you may have around pay, working conditions, job opportunities, contracts or any other pressing concerns.

As your regional rep, she will relay these back to the Board so that Directors UK can collectively take action on these issues. Karen will also have an influence on campaigns related to pay, diversity and gender and where necessary will be the voice for Scotland when contributing to them.

Come along to share your views and exchange ideas over some drinks with your fellow directors at 2016’s first general meeting of Directors UK Scotland. We will be discussing the current issues concerning directors in Scotland as well as giving you all an update from the most recent Board meeting.

Karen Kelly

You can contact Karen directly at [email protected].


After graduating from the Royal College of Art, Director Karen Kelly joined the BBC as a trainee. She directed on flagship series like Horizon and Timewatch as well as making high profile, one-off documentaries. She has self-shot long form, ob docs series and made high-end drama reconstruction based films and won an RTS for the BBC Four film The Guinea Pig Club.

She left the BBC to work for the Emmy-award winning production company Impossible Pictures, where she was instrumental in creating and directing the six million pound, CGI based, drama series, Prehistoric Park for ITV.

Since moving to Scotland she has continued to work with production companies in Glasgow and  London, across a broad range of factual programmes including an award winning Panorama.

More recently she has focused on directing TV drama with credits on Eastenders and River City.  She is currently making her first commercial and developing a feature length drama which is hoping to go into production next year. 



7.30pm, Tuesday 29 March 2016

The Grosvenor Cafe 
24 Ashton Lane, Hillhead
Glasgow G12 8SJ


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