Published on: 21 January 2015 in

Directors UK Creative Skillset Funding

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Directors UK is delighted to announce that it has received funding from Creative Skillset to run three mentoring placements for directors on high-end television dramas as part of a pilot mentoring scheme.

The aim of the scheme is to give directors with relevant experience and who wish to break into ‘high-end’ drama production, an opportunity to shadow/be mentored by a director on a high-end production. This experience will allow them to gain both insight and intelligence about directing a high-end TV production and will also give them the chance to form close connections with partner production companies, hopefully leading to future employment opportunities with them.

The intention is that mentee directors will spend between 10-14 days on the production run – including both pre- and post-production - as well as time on set through observation of key stages, including:

Joining the mentor at pre-production meetings, to gain first hand insight into the different and complex considerations undertaken by high end drama directors Meeting the mentor director to gain a full understanding of all elements of the production, in particular those elements more frequently demanded on high end drama productions (e.g. stunts, complex and sustained visual effects etc.) Sitting in on sessions, including working with the composer, editing and ADR.  

Candidates would be required to commit to attending all sessions, meetings and activities set up as part of the scheme. 

For more information please download the attached proposal.

Interested in becoming a mentor?

If you are a director working in high end drama and you'd be willing to be a mentor please email us at [email protected], with ‘Mentoring Scheme’ in the subject line.

Interested in being a mentee?

In this first pilot phase there will be only a small number of spaces available so we will not be able to accommodate everyone, however we hope that this pilot will turn into a longer-running scheme offering more opportunities in future.

Candidates will ideally have experience of working in broadcast drama/drama docs, with proven credits. Because it is important to us to improve the diversity of the directing community we particularly welcome applications from BAME and women directors.

Selection of mentees will be done in partnership with the mentor director and production companies.

If you are interested in being considered as a mentee please send us details of why you feel it would be appropriate for you, along with a copy of your CV and a showreel/links to examples of your work, as well as details of your work commitments/availability in the coming months. Please send these to [email protected], with ‘Mentoring Scheme’ in the subject line.

UPDATE: This training scheme is now closed, however we hope that this pilot will turn into a longer-running scheme offering more opportunities in future.

This scheme is funded by Creative Skillset’s Skills Investment Funds

About the Skills Investment Funds

The Skills Investment Funds help companies invest in the development of skills and talent in the film, high-end TV, animation, games and visual effects industries in the UK. Managed by Creative Skillset, the Skills Investment Funds attract co-investment from the Creative Industries and UK Government.

About Creative Skillset

Creative Skillset empowers the Creative Industries to develop skills and talent; it does this by influencing and shaping policy, ensuring quality and by securing the vital investment for individuals to become the best in their field and for businesses to grow. As the industry skills body for the Creative Industries, they work across film, television, radio, fashion, animation, games, visual effects, textiles, publishing, advertising, marketing communications and performing arts.

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