Published on: 05 May 2021 in

Stand for the Directors UK Board: “It’s the most tremendous engine that you can help to power. We really can make things change.”

Reading time: 6 minutes and 29 seconds

In 2021, you’ll have the chance to appoint a new Board for Directors UK – and we want YOU to stand for nomination.

This is your chance to directly help your fellow directors and to embody the change that you want to see in the industry.

Is there an issue that you don’t feel is getting enough attention? Do you want to help protect directors’ rights and royalties, and ensure that you’re fairly remunerated for your work? Have you witnessed working practices that desperately need to change? Do you have ideas that will improve the working lives of directors and other people within our industry? Do you already have the answers, or would you just like to be a part of finding them?

If any of these things apply to you, then you’re an ideal candidate for the Directors UK Board.

We want a board that looks like the industry as it actually is and as it aspires to be. We want directors from all backgrounds, of all ages, working in all genres and at all different stages in their career.

“You need to be collaborative, open minded, analytical – those are all things that are directing skills anyway!” – Nic Guttridge, current board member

It’s not about having governance experience – you’ll learn that on the job. Energy, collaboration and ideas are what’s important, and you may surprise yourself with how many of the required skills you already possess as a result of your career as a working director.

When the Board elections take place in June later this year, we want members to be able to vote for a team of committed, representative board members. For that to happen, we need you to stand for nomination by filling out the form at before the closing date of Friday 4 June.

Find out more below or click on this link to complete your application.


Several current board members will be standing down at the next election, and so we asked them to explain what the Board does, what being on the Board has meant to them, and why you should stand.

Find out more below or click on this link to complete your application.


“I thought board meetings would be the opposite of me. I thought they'd be bureaucratic, with a focus on things that didn't interest me. But I learned that I could contribute by campaigning on things that really concerned me, like diversity, fair pay for directors, protecting people and raising professionalism.” – Susanna White, current Vice-Chair

Further information

What board positions can I stand for?

In June, we’ll be asking members to elect 11 people to the Directors UK Board. There are four different positions that you can stand for:

  • 8 general board seats
  • 1 Chair of the Nations and Regions Committee
  • 1 Associate member representative
  • 1 Successor member representative

Any member can stand for one of the general board seats. To stand for Associate member representative you have to be an Associate member. To stand for Successor member representative you have to be a Successor member. And to stand as the Chair of the Nations and Regions Committee you have to either live or regularly work in the nations or regions outside of London and the South East.

You can stand for multiple positions, just as long as you fit the eligibility criteria for each post and think you’d be a good fit.

What are a board member’s duties?

The Directors UK Board sets the strategy and policies for the organisation and makes sure that they represent the values and further the interests of the wider membership. The Board oversees our work as a collecting society, but also our work as a campaigning body and the provider of services to our members.

“Before I joined the Board, I never really worked with any other directors. And what I found is just how generous my directing colleagues have been with their time, with their knowledge, with their experience, with their advice. And it’s felt like an incredible supportive community.” – Steve Smith, current Chair

Board members may be asked to front our various campaigns and speak to the press about the issues that affect directors – but you will be thoroughly briefed and supported on these occasions.

Being a board member is a paid role to make sure that no-one is left out of pocket as a result of carrying out their board duties.

Board members oversee and steer our work, but the operational delivery is carried out by the Directors UK staff team.

There’s a more detailed explanation of what’s required in this role description document.

How much time would I need to dedicate to the Board?

Full Board meetings are held 5 or 6 times a year. Meetings are currently held virtually and the option to attend virtually will remain in place whatever happens in the future.

Once elected, you may choose to put yourself forward to chair one of our committees, which also meet various times a year. Committees often lead on specific projects, and so you may be required to have a greater input on any work that results from your discussions, but always in collaboration with staff.

Outside of meetings, you will need to be willing to give advice to staff and to answer queries on an ad hoc basis.

Again, there’s more information about this in the full role description document.

“Without Directors UK, we’re all flying solo. We’re all individuals, fighting the same battles —but separately. Coming together through Directors UK means we become a voice that can be heard and that can be respected.” – Dan Zeff, current board member

How do I apply?

To stand for the Directors UK Board, all you need to do is fill out a nomination form at

You must provide either a written or video statement to support your candidacy, as well as a short biography, and an answer to a question about your priorities for the organisation. Your answers to these questions will help members make an informed decision about who to vote for when the election is held in June.

You will also need to supply a photo of yourself and name two fellow members who would be willing to propose and second your candidacy.

At a later stage of the nominations process, you will be asked to declare any relevant interests so that we can identify any potential conflicts.

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