Published on: 12 May 2023 in

Directors UK AGM 2023 and Summer Drinks announced

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The Directors UK AGM 2023 will take place on Tuesday 13 June at 6.30pm. 

Taking place at The Buffini Chao Deck at the National Theatre in London, the AGM will be followed by summer drinks. For those unable to attend in person, you can join on Zoom.  

The AGM is an important opportunity for members to engage with the inner workings of Directors UK, hear about the organisation’s achievements over the last year, and find out the results of voting on our governance motions. For those with us in person, the summer drinks that follow are an invaluable moment to network with fellow directors and celebrate your craft.  

Members can click here to attend in person. 

Members can click here to attend online.  

Online Motion Voting 

On Tuesday 23 May, Directors UK members will receive notice of the AGM and an agenda, alongside information on the motions and how to vote online in advance of the AGM, either by post or email. Please note: no votes will be taken at the AGM itself.

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