Published on: 24 April 2017 in

Directors Digest — Monday 24 April

Reading time: 2 minutes and 31 seconds

Today’s Directors Digest takes us from the BAFTA TV Craft Awards to the French presidential elections, stopping at the BBFC, Pinewood Studios, #ThingsOnlyWomenDirectorsHear and more. 


The BAFTA TV Craft Awards were announced on Sunday night, with directing wins for members Chris Power, James Bluemel and Marc Munden. (Televisual)

One hashtag resonated with plenty of female directors last week — Chloe Catchpole brings us this round-up of  #ThingsOnlyWomenDirectorsHear. (Den of Geek)


The Hollywood Reporter has a look at how a Marine Le Pen win could affect filmmaking in Hollywood

Raw director Julia Ducournau shares her tips on how to make a horror film as creepy as possible. (Guardian)

Actor Viggo Mortensen has spoken out against the Argentinian President on the issue of film funding, reports The Guardian.

And finally in Vice, filmmaker Charlie Lyne details the extreme lengths he went to screen a film without a BBFC rating

Are you a member with an opinion on one of these stories? Is there an issue affecting directors that you think isn’t getting enough attention in the media? Why not write for us and make yourself heard — email [email protected] with your article idea. 

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