Published on: 05 September 2017 in

Directing Factual: Matchmaker Networking for Directors and PACT Producers in the South West and Wales

Reading time: 2 minutes and 7 seconds

We particularly welcome interest from under-represented groups including Women and BAME directors applying for this session. If you are interested in attending and live outside of the South West and Wales, there may be some travel assistance available to you. Please contact us on [email protected] for further information.

Directors UK and the Producers Alliance for Cinema and Television (PACT) are hosting a structured networking event in Bristol, for directors working in factual to meet new producers across all factual genres. 

When: Monday 2 October 2017, 5pm-7.30pm

Where: ICON Films, 3rd Floor College House

32-36 College Green

Bristol BS1 5SP

This event, which is kindly being hosted by ICON films, is open to members in the South West and Wales, as well as any full members from across the UK who are interested in re-locating for work.

If you’re looking for your next job, or looking to meet potential future collaborators, then don’t miss this opportunity to meet producers who are PACT members. 

Places are limited and will be allocated according to the suitability of each director applying to the current needs of the indies attending. 

To apply for a place at this session please email [email protected] answering the following questions:

• How many directing credits do you have? 

• What are you working on now and what do you want to work on in the future? 

• What do you hope to gain from attending this session? next job/future work/general industry awareness/ other (please specify)

Based on your answers we will then provide you with the names of a few producers whose needs compliment yours for you to target specifically on the night.

The deadline for applications is 9am, Wednesday 20th September. 

Spaces are limited — so apply now!

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